Frequently Asked Questions
1.       What is EDO Web?
2.       How do I get access to EDO Web?
3.       How can I change my password?
4.       How can I change my email address?
5.       How do I log-in?
6.       What does the "Remember me" function do?
7.       How do I become an EDO Champion?
8.       Do I need any special software or hardware to use EDO Web?
9.       How can EDO Web help me?
10.     How can EDO Web help my Organization?
11.     How confidentially is my information handled in the EDO Web?
What is EDO Web?
About EDO Web
How do I get access to EDO Web?
Full access to EDO Web is given to certified EDO Bachelor and EDO Advisors. Selected access is given to EDO Cycle Team Members (CTMs).
If you are an EDO Bachelor and/or EDO Advisor:
  1. You have received your access password during your qualification training
  2. If you haven't received your access password, please contact our Customer Support at with following information:
If you are a CTM:
  1. You have received your access password from the EDO Champion responsible from the EDO Cycle you are in
If you have an access password but still cannot access to the EDO Web:
Please contact our Customer Support at with following information:
  1. Your full name
  2. Name of your organization
  3. Date of your qualification training (if you are an EDO Champion)
  4. Name of your trainer/coach (if you are an EDO Champion)
  5. Name of the EDO Champion responsible for the EDO Cycle (if you are a CTM)
If you are not yet an EDO Champion, nor a CTM:
But would like to get access to the EDO Web please contact our Customer Support at

How can I change my password?
We recommend you to change your password as soon as possible at any of these possibilities:
1) You just received your password from our Customer Support or an EDO Champion
2) You suspect somebody else knows your password
To change your current password, please proceed as follows:
  1. Click on the EDO Configuration menu
  2. Enter your current password
  3. Enter your new password
  4. Confirm your new password
  5. Click on Change Password
How can I change my email address?
Your registered e-mail address is used for two purposes: it is your username as well as your contact address, to where we send you information. EDO Web takes yours and your customers' confidentiality very seriously. To change your e-mail please contact our Customer Support at

How do I log-in?
To log-in the EDO Web enter your username and a password and click on button sign on.

What does the "Remember me" function do?
With the function "Remember Me" you can access your account directly (e.g. without the log-in step) simply by accessing the EDO Web website.
We recommend you to only turn on this function in your private computer or at a computer at which only you have access.
To turn on this function, proceed as follows:
1) Click on "Remember me" by login
2) Don't log off at the end of your work
How do I become an EDO Champion?
To become an EDO Champion you must be a certified EDO Bachelor, EDO Master or EDO Advisor.  
Trainings to become an EDO Bachelor or EDO Master are offered by Life - Ladner institute of endurance AG as public courses as well as in-company trainings. For more information about in-company trainings please contact us at: or check the Life website
Life offers following EDO trainings:

Do I need any special software or hardware to use EDO Web?
About EDO Web
How can EDO Web help me?
Ask us
How can EDO Web help my Organization?
About EDO Web
How confidentially is my information handled in the EDO Web?
Privacy Policy